Get Involved


Do you want an outdoor club on your campus?

We’re committed to developing officially recognized outdoor clubs at all HBCUs. We provide guidance navigating school requirements to make the process simple and support to make it easier including a cash stipend for our ambassadors. Our program offers training in outdoor leadership, personal outdoor gear and extra gear to loan to classmates, as well as industry connections and community with our ambassadors at other schools. This program is free to you and is currently funded to support the launch of clubs at additional schools. Apply today!

Are you interested in the business side of the outdoor industry?

Sure, getting your hands dirty sharing the outdoors with others is thrilling, but the impact that you can have behind the scenes can be extraordinary. Whether you’re interested in business, journalism, or design, we can help you get started. As a marketing manager for HBCUs Outside with a cash stipend, you’ll develop communication plans, contribute to our social media presence, and build partnerships with leading outdoor brands while advancing our mission.

Want to help but aren’t ready for a commitment?

Our programs are growing and we’re always looking for people to help. Whether you’re a current HBCU student, alumni, or simply want to support our mission, tell us about yourself so we might match you with upcoming opportunities.

Help us share the trail.

Your donations empower us to diversify the outdoors, close the adventure gap, and create a more equitable outdoor industry for members of the HBCU family.

HBCUs Outside is a pending Section 501(c) (3) charitable organization, EIN 85-2370960. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.